Effective Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies in Breckenridge, Colorado

Effective Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies in Breckenridge, Colorado

Is your Breckenridge, CO vacation property sitting empty? You need to consider your marketing strategy! Otherwise, no one will find your vacation rental online.

Here are a few easy vacation rental marketing strategies you can use to reach bookings. Help your listing stand out with these tips today!

Know Your Audience

Before applying the rest of these marketing strategies, gather target audience research. Knowing your target audience will help you personalize your marketing messages.

The top benefit of using personalization is improved customer experiences. About 60% of consumers will become repeat customers after a personalized experience. Meanwhile, 89% of marketers see a positive ROI when using personalization in their campaigns.

When gathering audience research, consider:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Buying behaviors
  • Income
  • Education
  • Online behaviors
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Pain points

Potential guests who fall into different groups (buyer personas) will have different needs and interests. Appealing to those needs in your messages can help you attract them to your rental.

Update the Listing

A dull, outdated listing won't attract guests to your Breckenridge vacation property. Update the listing by adding fresh, high-quality images. Consider capturing video or drone footage to show off the surrounding area.

Update the listing to ensure it's enticing, informative, and relevant to your target audience. Mention nearby amenities. Consider what sets your short-term rental apart from others in Breckenridge.

For example, perhaps you have a jacuzzi, are within walking distance of shops, or offer stunning views. These unique value propositions can make your listing more desirable.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the use of keywords to improve your rankings on search engines like Google. Nearly 70% of experiences online begin with a search. Over 50% of all website traffic starts with organic searches.

Gather keyword research for each buyer persona you created. Look for longer phrases that include "Breckenridge" or "Colorado." Ranking for location-specific searches will help you reach your target audience.

Add relevant keywords to your listing to appear for online searches. Using keyword optimization will help the listing gain more visibility. As more people explore the listing, you'll gain opportunities to increase bookings.

Create Ads

Eye-catching digital ads will help you direct more traffic to your vacation rental listing. Use platforms like Facebook and Google Ads.

Facebook Ads allows you to create visual ads that will appear on Facebook and Instagram. Use stunning images of your rental to help your content stand out.

Google Ads allows you to create text ads that appear on Google search engine result pages. You can also create display ads (animations, videos, etc.) that will appear on other websites.

Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can further expand your reach online. Use platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram to start.

Share eye-catching imagery of your properties. Add location-specific hashtags to your post to appear in front of potential guests. Use social media year-round to attract guests (even during the off-season).

Apply These Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies

The right vacation rental marketing strategies can help you reach new guests online. Apply these tips and make adjustments to your campaigns over time. As you make improvements, your occupancy rate and ROI will rise.

You don't have to apply these tips alone. PMI Breck has nearly 20 years of industry experience helping property owners like you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
